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 Chapter 3:  Dynamics



Dynamics is the force required to cause motion. In order to accelerate a manipulator from rest, glide at a constant end-effector velocity and finally decelerate until stop. A complex set of torque function must be applied by the joint actuator.

One method of controlling a manipulator to using the dynamic equations of motion of the manipulator.

A second method use of dynamic equations of motion in simulations, by reformulating the dynamic equations so that acceleration is computed as a function of actuator torque.

The actual dynamic model of a robot arm can be obtained from known physical laws such as Newtonian mechanic. This lead to the development of the dynamic equations of motion for the various articulated joints of the manipulator in terms of specified geometric and inertia parameters of th links. Conventional approaches like the Lagrange-Euler and Newton-Euler formulations could applied systematically to develop the actual robot arm motion equations.


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