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3.4 Lagrange-Euler Equations


Newton's second law of motion is  




or in component form (for each component Fi)  




where (with qi being the generalized position coordinate) so that . If then . For conservative forces where V is the potential energy.  Rewriting Newton's law it become:  




Let us define the Lagrangian where T is the kinetic energy. In freshman physics and V=V(qi) such as the harmonic oscillator . That is in freshman physics T is a function only of velocity and V is a function only of position qi. Thus . It follows that and . Thus Newton's law is


with the canonical momentum defined as  




The second equation of motion known as the Lagrange-Euler equations. It is usually written  




or just  




The Lagrange-Euler equations obtained using simple arguments. A more rigorous derivation is based on the calculus of variations.





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