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3.3 Solid Object Motion



Linear and angular velocity vectors have derivatives which are known as linear and angular motion, that is:


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   BVQ   =     ___  BVQ   =  lim           BVQ (t + Δt)  -  BVQ . (t)           

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                                     Δt        0   _________________________________             (3.20)





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     BΩQ   =  ____   BΩQ  =   lim                   BΩQ (t + Δt)  -  BΩQ . (t)

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                                        Δt        0    _________________________________            (3.21)




With velocities, the reference frame of the differentiation become the universal frame, {u} .



                ύA = u V AORG                 (3.22)



                         .             .

                        ωAu Ω A              (3.23)




3.3.1  Linear motion  



Describe the velocity of a vector  BQ  as:



                        AVQ = A R BVQ + AΩB  x  A R BQ              (3.24)

                           B                                B


The left hand side of this equation show AQ is changing in time. Rewrite (3.24) as:


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            ___   A R BQ      =  A R BVQ  +  AΩB  x  A R BQ            (3.25)

                     B                     B                                     B                                                                                                    




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By differentiating (3.24), it can be deriving the expression for the acceleration of   BQ     this become:




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   .                                                      .                                            

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AVQ     =  ___  A R BVQ  + AΩ A R BAΩB   x  ____  A BQ         (3.26)                                                                                                          B                                    B                                             B






Now applying (3.25) twice, once to the first term and once to the last term. The right hand side of equation (3.26) becomes:




             .                                                    .

A R BVQ AΩB  A R BVQ + AΩB  x  A R BVQ AΩB  x  A R BVQ  +   AΩB  x  A R BQ       (3.27) 

B                                  B                                  B                                 B                                     B   







By combining two terms this will become:



             .                                                     .

A R BVQ + 2AΩB   A R BVQ  +  AΩB   A R BVQ  +  AΩB   x     AΩB  x  A R BQ                (3.28) 

B                                     B                                     B                                                        B






Finally, by adding one term this gives the linear acceleration resulting in the final general formula:





    .                           .                                          .

A VBORG  +  A R BVQ  +  2AΩB  x  A R BVQ +  AΩB  x  A R BQ  +  AΩB  x   AΩB  x  A R BQ       (3.29)

                         B                                       B                                    B                                    B   




When  BQ   is constant,






By simplify (3.29) to,


                        .               .

                 AVQ  =  A VBORG  +  AΩB  x   AΩB  x  A R BQ




Use the result to calculate the linear motion of the link of a manipulator.





3.3.2  Angular motion


By rotating {B} relative to {A} with  AΩB and {C} rotating relative to{B} with BΩC . To calculate  AΩC the sum of vectors in frame {A} :



                           AΩB = AΩB  +  A R BΩC                           (3.31)



By differentiating it can be obtain:


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                          .             .

                      AΩC  =     AΩB  +  ___     A R BΩC                        (3.32)

Text Box: dt         B             




Then by applying (3.25) to the last term of (3.32), this becomes:



                              .             .                                 

                        AΩC  = AΩB  +  A R BΩC  + AΩB  A R BΩC               (3.33)

                                                             B                                   B



Use the result to calculate the angular motion of a link of a manipulator.






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