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6.1: Teaching (Programming servo robot translation point)




Five basic methods are used to define translation points:


            1)         Teaching of translation point by robot positioning.

            2)         Teaching of translation by coordinate input.

            3)         Creation of new translation by algebraic expressions.

            4)         Creation of new translation by means of an external interrupt.

            5)         Downloading new translation through the RS-232C port.



Method 1- Teaching points by robot positioning


This type of programming is available at all language levels for all types of robots. With the controller in the manual mode, the tooling is moved into correct position by using teach pendant then the translation point is programmed. Some robot programming by just pressing a button on the teach pendant.

For Seiko a command is entered from the keyboard, it allows 400 translation points (0 to 399) to be programmed.


For PUMA robots using VAL language, it has four modes: WORLD, TOOL, JOINT and FREE.


1)      WORLD, the robot coordinate system is fixed to the based of the robot so the robot reference frame is used. By pressing the X, Y and Z direction buttons on the teach pendant causes linear movement along any of the three axes in the robot reference frame. Pressing +X motion button in the teach pendant causes the tooling to move along the X axis in positive direction. This is used to teach point visually.


2)      TOOL, the robot coordinate system is alleged with the end of arm tooling coordinate system or the gripper reference frame. By pressing the Z motion button causes the tooling to move along the Z axis of the gripper reference frame. This ideal for insertion of pins into holes.


3)      JOINT, the movement of the tooling is not associated with any coordinate system. Each joint can be move independently.


4)      FREE, the joints can be moves by manually overcoming the small holding torque present on each joint axes motor.



Method 2- Teaching by points coordinates input


Teaching by coordinate input requires that the position and orientation of the tool centre point by enter as either a program statement or trough controller keyboard.


Program statement demonstrates how coordinate input programming for Seiko robot:

                                    T25 = 300.  350.  -10.  515.

                                    MOVE T25

The first line creates the translation point T25 with values for X, Y, Z and A, the second line directs the robot to move to the point just programmed.


Position point can also be programmed by direct input from the controller keyboard. The Seiko robot controller is key into the immediate execution mode which is called Monitor, in the keyboard this command is entered as:

                                    DO T25 = 300.  350.  -10. 515.

Now the translation point is created, the robot is moves to the new position.



Method 3- Creating points by algebraic expression


New translation points are created in algebraic expressions. Translation can be added or subtracted and modified by an integer value.


                                    Adding translation point

                                    T10 = 20.  30.  5.  0.

                                    T20 = 30.  20.  -5.  50.

                                    T30 = +T20

The third line shows the new translation points after adding has a value of 50.  50.  0.  50.


                                    Subtracting translation points

                                    T10 = 20.  30.  5.  0.

                                    T20 = 30.  20.  -5.  50.

                                    MOVE = T10-T20

The third line show the new translation points after subtract has value of -10.  10.  10.  -50.


                                    Multiplying a translation point by an integer.

                                    T10 = 20.  30.  5.  0.

                                    T20 = 30.  20.  -5.  0.

                                    Y = 2

                                    MOVE = T10 * (-1) + T20 * Y                       * = symbol of multiplication.

The fourth line adds the two modified translations (-20.  -30.  -5.  0., 60.  40.  -10.  100) and moves to the new location (40.  10.  -15.  100)



Method 4- Creating points by use of external interrupt


An external signal used to interrupt the current move command and trigger the creation of a new translation point. The new point is the position of the tool centre point at the time of the interrupt. The DARL language is used in this command.


                                    SEARCH + 1E3 T10 THEN T20

                                    ELSE STOP


When this command is executed, the robot is moving a vacuum and proximity sensor down on the top of a stack of plates. As the tooling moves towards T10, the controller continually scans the input 1E3, which is connected to the proximity sensor. The robot will continue moving vertically down until the top plate in the stack is sensed and input 1E3 goes true. The interrupted generated by 1E3 causes the THEN put of the statement to be executed and the location at the top plate becomes translation point T20. if translation point T10 is reached and no interrupt was generated the ELSE part of the statement is executed and the robot STOPS.



Method 5- Downloading points through the RS-232 Port


This method allow translation point to be specified from an external such as host computer, cell controller, work cell simulator, off line programming station or vision system. The data are transmitted in ASC II format over a special communicator protocol.



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