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2.1: Position and Orientation



Introduction of position 

The position of a point (or the origin of one frame relative to another) is given by a vector p=px, py, pz. In general we use a right-hand Cartesian coordinate system with 3 mutually orthogonal unit vectors to define any reference system for positions and orientations in space.

To describe the position and orientation of a body in space, a fixed reference coordinate system is attached to it. It is called the base frame system of the body and can be referenced to any other frame system.

The bodies' own base frame system can be assign to any arbitrary location. However, for convenience the origin of this base system is usually chosen to be in its geometrical center, or in its center of gravity or in one of the bodies' corners.

In figure 2.1, the corner of a cube-type body is defined as origin of the attached base frame. The orientation of the unit vectors is in parallel with the neighboring edges of the body.

Figure 2.1: Right-hand Cartesian base system

In a first step, let assume the position of a body location  with respect to the own base frame of the body.

The position of a location in space is definitively defined by a position vector





For example, the position of the cubes' origin is given by:



,whereas the position of its opposite corner is:



It is obvious, that values of vector elements are dependent on the location (position and orientation) of the reference frame. So whenever more than one reference frame is involved in a problem description, it is urgently necessary to include the name of the reference frame into the notation of position vectors itself. In general, we add a leading superscript to a position vector (or rotation matrix) in order to refer it to a particular coordinate frame.

The position vector of a point with respect to frame is therefore:




In a second step, we start to describe the position and orientation of a body in space with respect to another frame (e.g. a universal frame) with the help of the bodies' frame .

Figure 2.2 shows, how the position of body frame is related to the universal frame . A similar procedure is necessary to describe its orientation with respect to the predefined universal orientations.

Figure 2.2: Position of a body in 3D space





Introduction of Orientation

The orientation of a body or a frame can be defined by 3 angles, or rather by a sequence of 3 rotations. Using axes fixed in space we can define roll, pitch and yaw angles about x, y and z respectively.


To describe the orientation of a body frame with respect to a universal base frame , its three orthogonal unit vectors are considered, which are:

for -direction of frame :



for -direction of frame :



for -direction of frame :



These vectors are combined towards a matrix :




This matrix is called orientation matrix or rotation matrix. In complete notation , this matrix describes the orientation of frame (and thereby the body under consideration) with respect to frame .

Certainly there is another interpretation possible for the rotation matrix. Let us consider vector with respect to frame , which is according to our notation . A reasonable question is how this vector looks like with respect to frame . It turns out, that the following relation is valid:




Applying the rotation matrix is therefore an operation to transform vectors and matrices from one coordinate system to another. The notation in equation 2.4 tells us, that it is an example where the transformation is from frame to frame .

Rotation matrices in general have some important attributes, which can be used for some practical purpose. Given a rotation matrix in column vector description:



the following attributes can be proven to be true:


All column vectors are scaled to unity:


All column vectors are mutually orthogonal:




Because of attributes 1.) and 2.) to be both valid, is also called orthonormal.


Because is orthonormal, its inverse is equal to its transposed matrix:

A more general notation yield to:


The determinant of the rotation matrix is of value for any right-hand cartesian coordinate frame:


The product of two orthonormal matrices , results in another orthonormal matrix.


The product of two rotation matrices is non-commutative.


, except when either or is the identity matrix.


Multiplication of rotation matrices is associative.


The characteristic equation possesses one real-valued and two complex-valued solutions for the eigenwert . The real eigenwert is of value .



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